National Association of Teachers of Singing

Elspeth Maynard

Director-At-Large (Classroom Music Liaison)

• Director-At-Large (Classroom Music Liaison)

Elspeth Maynard is known in the Windsor area as a teacher, chorister, soloist, and conductor. As a soloist, she has performed with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, Windsor Community Orchestra, Windsor Classic Chorale, Guelph Chamber Choir and has presented recitals in the South Western Ontario and Detroit area. As a professional chorister, she was a founding member of the Exultate Chamber Singers and sang with Essex Singers for many years. She also toured Europe with the Guelph Chamber Choir on several occasions. A graduate of the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto, she has also studied conducting with James Fankhauser, Jon Washburn, Robert Cooper, and Jerry Blackstone. She founded and directed the Windsor-Essex Youth Choir and has conducted the University of Windsor Chamber Choir, the All City High School Girls Choir and the University of Windsor High School Honour Choir Elspeth spent most of her teaching career teaching vocal music at the Walkerville Centre for the Creative Arts where she conducted the WCCA Chamber Singers and Concert Singers and served as the Program Director of the enriched arts programme. She has taught voice and music education at the University of Windsor and has been asked many times to adjudicate at both the high school and university levels. Since retiring from the Board of Education, she teaches voice privately from her home studio and has helped on the Kiwanis Music Festival Board, the Windsor Classic Chorale Board and presently, the NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) Ontario Board. She loves to keep up with the latest in vocal pedagogy and share her knowledge whenever possible.

Elspeth Maynard