The Great Lakes Region Auditions will take place on Saturday March 1, 2025 at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan hosted by Frances Brockington.
The deadline for the Great Lakes Region Auditions is February 16, 2025.
NATS members can register via AuditionWare. Sign in at and on the homepage scroll down to click on the green AuditionWare button which will allow you to register. There is more information on the Home page of AuditionWare.
Classes/categories will be offered from Children to Adults in Classical Voice, Musical Theatre, Commercial Voice and American Spirituals. For complete information on class repertoire requirements and timings, go here. The top 5 singers in each category/ level from the Region Auditions will be recommended to proceed to the video round of the National Student Auditions. Video submissions are due on April 11, 2025.
Fees– all are in USD
Children/Youth levels – $25.00/category
High School levels – $30.00/category
University/College/Adult levels – $35.00/category
Advanced level – $40.00/category
Only NATS members can enter their students in the Region Auditions and students should have been studying with them for at least 6 months. There is a teacher registration fee of $40.00 and if you enter students but are unable to attend, there is a substitute adjudicator fee of $75.00. Again, fees are in USD.
Staff collaborative accompanist fees – all are in USD:
1 – 3 songs – $40.00
4 or more songs – $55.00
*NEW* Teachers will be able to upload pdfs of songs if they require a collaborative accompanist on AuditionWare in the field where it says you can upload mp3s. All pdfs should be uploaded with the entry by the deadline date for the entry to be complete.
Change/Correction fee – $10.00 USD/change or correction – eg. incorrect repertoire, missing repertoire, incorrect class entered, etc. Repertoire will be vetted and teachers will be informed asap if repertoire needs to be changed.
Late entries can be made up until February 18, 2025. Please contact for more information regarding a late entry. Late entry fee is $25.00 USD.
Following the close of registration, teachers will receive their student’s schedule and adjudicating schedule within one week via email. Rehearsal schedules will also be emailed to all teachers who have requested collaborative accompanists.
*NEW* Commercial music entrants must submit their accompaniment backtracks (no vocal backgrounds) by the February 16 deadline with their entry via AuditionWare in a mp3 format. A field has been created for the submission of backtracks.
Tentative Schedule for March 1:
7:30 a.m. Rehearsals with Collaborative Accompanists begin
8:45 a.m. Adjudicator Meeting
9:30 a.m. Auditions begin
3:30 p.m. Auditions end
4:30 p.m. Special Awards Concert