Our 2024 Showcase is now over. Thank you to all the awesome participants!
Details for the 2025 Vocal Showcase are coming soon.
The new updated NATS Ontario Vocal Showcase Handbook is now available. Click here to download it.
Our Vocal Showcase Coordinator Ilona Busch showcase@natsontario.org and Assistant Vocal Showcase Coordinator Breanne Rourke showcase2@natsontario.org are hard at work preparing for the 2024 Showcases to be a big success! Please feel free to contact them with any questions.
The NATS Ontario Vocal Showcase (live and virtual) is an opportunity for singers to perform a set of pieces from a choice of three genres – Classical Voice, Musical Theatre and Popular Voice/Commercial Music. At these events singers meet and hear other vocalists, NATS teachers network with their colleagues, and everyone has the chance to hear a variety of repertoire.
NATS Ontario is dedicated to promoting Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in our artistic and social interactions, and our engagement as a community. NATS Ontario aims to create an environment of understanding and mutual respect for the value and dignity of all persons. We strive to identify, remove, and prevent barriers that hinder complete and meaningful participation in NATS Ontario activities. All members of the NATS Ontario community share the responsibility of supporting these values and goals. The education and support of our members in the areas of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism is paramount.
CLASSICAL (Download Class Options PDF)
Please see Handbook for specific details.
MUSICAL THEATRE (Download Class Options PDF)
Please see Handbook for specific details.
Please see Handbook for specific details.
Registration for both LIVE and VIRTUAL opens on Friday, September 6, 2024.
Visit www.auditionware.com to register. Students must be registered by their teacher.
LIVE registration deadline is Monday, October 28, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Please see Handbook for specific details.
Classical, Musical Theatre and Popular Voice/Commercial Music classes are offered each day in the new “day by age” format. Singers may enter any or all categories in their appropriate age division for both Live and Virtual Vocal Showcases. Please read the category descriptions carefully and refer to the individual categories for specific rules and repertoire requirements. Failure to adhere to class criteria will result in disqualification from placement and scholarships.
Virtual Showcase Submission Requirements (Download PDF)
Registration for both LIVE and VIRTUAL opens on Friday, September 6, 2024.
Visit www.auditionware.com to register. Students must be registered by their teacher.
VIRTUAL registration deadline (including video links) is Friday, November 4, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Please see Handbook for specific details.
NATS Ontario Vocal Showcase Handbook (updated September 2024)
NATS Vocal Showcase categories are divided by age (for all genres) and fach (for classical). For the ‘live’ Vocal Showcase, singers must bring their own accompanist or work with one of collaborative pianists at the event. Singers must be registered for the Showcase through their teacher/NATS member; as we are all volunteers, this process streamlines the registration, leaving the teacher as the contact point, not the individual singers. Non-NATS members may register students and there is a $50 surcharge to participate, which may be applied to future membership fees. NATS categories are divided by age and school-grade and in most classes by voice type.
Singers may enter as many classes in as many genres as they wish.
‘Live’ and ‘Virtual’ NATS Ontario Vocal Showcases will be offered in 2024.
Classical, Musical Theatre and Popular Voice/Commercial Music classes are offered. Singers may enter any or all categories as they wish in their appropriate age division for both ‘live’ and ‘virtual’ Vocal Showcases.
Please read the category descriptions carefully and refer to the individual categories for specific rules and repertoire requirements. Failure to adhere to class criteria will result in disqualification from scholarships and awards.
Please see ‘Live’ and ‘Virtual’ Vocal Showcase information below for copyright rules.
There are many things to communicate about the showcases, including entry fees, accompanist information, appropriate attire, and more. Please see the Handbook for details.
Where will the ‘Live’ Vocal Showcase be held in November 2024?
Faculty of Music at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario
How do I register?
NATS Ontario Members must register their students via http://www.auditionware.com using the email account that is on file with NATS Ontario Chapter to login. You must use an email OTHER than the account currently associated with http://www.nats.org. Follow prompts to register for the Vocal Showcase. All previous student data should be saved under your account. Do NOT pay fees until completely finished entering ALL singer registrations, as this completes and closes your registration. For troubleshooting or login issues, or to set up an account, email showcase@natsontario.org or showcase2@natsontario.org.
Non-NATS members can create an Auditionware account via our coordinator. Please email
showcase@natsontario.org for a login. There is an additional registration fee of $50.00 when entering singers for non-NATS members.